No More Bondage…I am Free!
I came across several inspiring bloggers, who did nothing more than live their life out loud-through blogging. I was inspired. I was left thinking, “I want to do that, but can I? Will anyone actually read it? Will anyone actually care? Is my life inspirational?” Heck! I am not the best writer and then…this isn’t my first attempt at blogging.
You see, too often I do care what others think, say, or believe about me. I am super sensitive and tend to be insecure at times. God and I are working through this.
After thinking long and hard, I decided I wanted to try and shout, “no more bondage, I am free” and this is who I am:
I AM that mom who is really conscious about what she feeds her family yet allows her daughter to watch a little more TV than she would like.
I am NOT that mom who keeps her house spotless. I honestly try, but I struggle.
I AM that girl who gets her feelings hurt easily.
I am NOT that girl who is well organized or consistent.
I AM that mom who believes in travel and exposure.
I am NOT that mom who believes corporal punishment is the answer every time a child misbehaves- that is LAZY parenting for those who do.
I AM that girl who is very quirky and who has spent a lot of time learning to love that about herself.
I am NOT that girly or really into make-up and fashion (trying to get better).
I AM that wife who supports her husband through it all- his ride & LIVE chick!
I am NOT that wife who does everything right.
I am so imperfect, but have found solace in the fact that God loves me- right now; just the way I am. Imagine that! And everything about me- imperfections and all- He uses to help me fulfill my destiny of inspiring others with my words, faith, and everyday life.
Every time I think about chickening out (what if this ends up like the first blog), I am reminded of Aubrey and the many women and young girls who will be impacted by something I write or don’t write.
I want Aubrey (and her future siblings) to have a kind of journal of sorts from her mommy! I want her to know her mom’s thoughts! I can’t remember everything and often forget many things. Pictures are wonderful, but writing is actually a piece of you and I want Aubrey to have a piece of me long after I have given up the ghost.
For whom much is given, much is required. Despite my own issues, I recognize that God has allowed my life to encourage and inspire others. To hide and/or not be authentic about my life would be a true injustice to the purpose and call He has graced me with.
“I simply don’t know HOW you and your hubby do what you do. From the outside looking in, it is indescribable…the relationship between you and Jason. It seems so fairy tale, like it is not real. Where does it come from, how does it happen and how does it feel to have that love and support. I promise I am not trying to get in your business but my heart rejoices and hurts when I see what y’all have. It is great. Don’t let anyone or anything come between that!… #on the outside looking in.”
It’s messages like this that encourages me and lets me know that others are watching and being inspired just by my living. Although Jason’s and my relationship isn’t perfect it sure is a Godly one filled with lots of love and respect. It’s our love that covers the multitude of our sin.
“I enjoy reading your posts. I have a question, have you always been outspoken? I ask because I find it difficult to say what God has placed on my heart. …The freedom with which you speak what God has placed on your heart is encouraging.”
After receiving such messages, how can I allow my little insecurities for a second make me believe that my story or words isn’t worth sharing? I have concluded that it will be very selfish of me not to take on this project. I truly believe that God created all of us different for a reason. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your difference is, you have a story. I have a story! That story is worth sharing; someone can be touched by my story- your story. Don’t hold on to it- I know I won’t.
Here’s to blogging for the glory of God!
Cindy, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog/blog entry! I have known you since Elementary School, and I can honestly say, just like you and your unwavering spirit and personality, it was a breath of fresh air!!! I am always so blessed and encouraged by “real people” who share their trials AND their triumphs and about the GOD who is Lord over them all! It is people like you using your story and your truth that help to set “captives free.” Many times people live in the shadows of their triumphs, but never share the journey that they took to get there. Oftentimes those on the outside looking into their lives begin to think that life and success has been easy for “them”–a crystal stair–and they fall victim to the negative thoughts, struggles, and temporary or even long-term challenges in their lives. Consequently, they come to the conclusion that they can never achieve a similar level of success or freedom. You and I both know that that is a LIE straight from hell! Many times, as you say here, the trials and challenges of our life oftentimes become our biggest triumphs and testimonies! So today, I, too, am singing “No more bondage, I am FREE!” I hope all of your many followers and readers are singing and declaring it, too! FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREEDOM…. Abundant Blessings Beautiful Lady, Felecia
Felecia, you just blessed me all over again. Your words ring true for so many of us. I just want to see people free. Thank you for your encouraging words and support. It means a lot coming from such the mighty visionary and woman of God that you are. May the blessings of God remain on you life.?
I love it and you should know you always inspire, uplift, or encourage me when you speak. Love you sis!
Thanks Sis!!! So thankful for our connection. You are so supportive and encouraging.
Hi Cindy! This is awesome 🙂 I really enjoyed reading and look forward to being blessed by many more of your words. Continue to do what God has placed in your heart! It will bless many more than you will ever know… Mommie Blessings
Thanks Saved M.O.M.!!! That means a lot coming from you. I love your blog and can’t wait to read more from you. Mommie Blessings right back at ya!
Your obedience to the Father radiates whenever you put pen to paper! Thank you for sharing and being available to be used for the kingdom! Thank you for allowing yourself to be “Free” that it can help others to do the same! Thank you for the lifestyle that you demonstrate and the impactful messages that will be edified through this blog! Keep sharing his love! BE OBEDIENT!
I am in tears!!! I simply love you so much for your encouragement. To know that my words impact someone that I look up to….words just can’t express. Thank you for always seeing the best in me?
I LOVE your blog. So creative and inspiring. Congratulations!!!! And, I am looking forward to the event celebrating your new book.
Loved your comments about not being perfect. Actually, I think you are. You are made exactly as the Lord created you. All of the characteristics – that are uniquely you – are endearing. Those characteristics make you the perfect one to be Joyce’s daughter, Jason’s wife and Aubrey’s mom. And, my daughter through marriage!
We are the blessed ones to have you in our lives.
Mama Daniel words can’t express. I was blessed 100x over when I said “I do.” You are just an awesome Mama Daniel. Thank you for your kind words. Know that you are welcome to share your wisdom any time. I am so blessed to be a recipient of it all the time. I know my readers will be bless by all wisdom and impartation.
Two thumbs up!! I just love this post!!