In Search of True Beauty

by Cindy

In this day and age, society has allowed the media to set the standard for beauty. Consequently, millions of young girls and women have distorted self-images.

In their search to find beauty, many of them look to Hollywood, where society has placed a high value on the outer appearance of women. As a result, millions not only have distorted self-images, but many risk their lives to acquire this ideal beauty.

It’s time that we revealed the truth. Author, Cindy Lumpkin, takes you on an amazing journey in search of true beauty. You will discover that a lady’s validation should come from God, not society. True beauty is not created on the outside, but it is accepted on the inside. When a lady, young or old, demonstrates her love for God through her character and by doing His word, her beauty radiates from the inside- out.

Destined for Success

by Cindy

Destined for Success is a two part book that starts out chronicling the education of the author, Cindy Lumpkin. After several years of experiencing school failure, Cindy was labeled Learning Disabled. This courageous young lady went on to defy the odds of overcoming her disability to receiving a BA and Masters Degree in the field of education.

In Part II of this gripping book, Cindy takes the reader on a journey to personal empowerment- a journey of getting to know you and overcoming life’s circumstances, whatever they may be. Cindy takes you into your past, present, and future; through many twists and turns; highs and lows; and around dark scary corners. In the end however, she helps you discover the light within you.

Triumph In Life

by Cindy

In his debut, Jason Lumpkin gives you a process that will not only help you discover and achieve your destiny, but also will assist in accomplishing any goal that you desire to achieve.

This book is a must read. It is presented in a simple, uncomplicated manner and uses sound biblical principles as well as practical knowledge. After reading this book and applying these principles to your life, you will definitely have a process that will be useful as you Triumph in Life.